San Francisco Injury Center for Research and Prevention Profiled by UCSF News

UCSF News reports on the SGFH-based San Francisco Injury Center Research and Prevention and its innovative research to to treat, understand and prevent traumatic injuries:
For the past 20 years, the San Francisco Injury Center for Research and Prevention (SFIC) has been working to treat, understand and prevent traumatic injuries and to establish practices that serve as national and international models.
Whether an injury is caused by a fall, a firearm or a motor vehicle crash, the multidisciplinary investigators at the SFIC view it the same way: as a condition that must be treated using the utmost care and the latest medical technologies, and also as a source of valuable data that can inform the center’s renowned prevention work.
“Investigators at the SFIC have had an impressive track record of making rapid changes in our field related to our prevention efforts and research discoveries,” said M. Margaret “Peggy” Knudson, MD, UCSF professor of surgery and the SFIC’s principal investigator.
Since it was established in 1989, the SFIC has been continually funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the UCSF Department of Surgery. It is one of just 13 CDC-funded Injury Control Research Centers in the country.
The SFIC is located on the grounds of the UCSF-affiliated San Francisco General Hospital (SFGH), the area’s only level I trauma center. SFIC staff and investigators are, therefore, on the front lines of trauma care, with a wealth of injury data accumulating daily all around them.........